Daily information on money market rates and government securities market

Historical overview

Search parameters
Maturity BELIBOR (%)¹ Primary trade in RS securities (%)² Secondary trade in RS securities (%)³
- DoD (p.p.) MoM (p.p.) YoY (p.p.) - Change (p.p.)
T/N 4.51 0.00 -0.01 -0.74
S/N 4.51 0.00 -0.02 -0.74
1W 4.57 0.00 -0.03 -0.93
2W 4.64 0.00 -0.03 -0.91
1M 4.70 0.00 -0.04 -0.90
2M 4.74 0.00 -0.06 -0.92
3M 4.78 0.00 -0.06 -0.93
6M 4.80 0.00 -0.07 -1.00
8M 4.15
9M 4.00
14M 4.21
24M 4.86 -0.42
39M 4.01
66M 2.50 0.40
83M 4.72
84M 2.69 -0.71
93M 4.73
96M 6.00 -0.12
120M 5.25 -0.35
150M 6.20 -0.15

1) Standard maturities are shown for BELIBOR rates. BELIBOR is the benchmark rate offered on dinar deposits by Panel banks in the interbank market. BELIBOR rates are computed and published by Reuters each business day at 11:00 CET as an arithmetic mean of daily quotes, after the elimination of two highest and two lowest rates, and is displayed with two decimal places precision.
2) Interest rates relate to the last auction dates. Change relative to the date of the penultimate auction.
3) Interest rates are weighted by turnover recorded in the last five business days under transactions of a given residual maturity.
4) Refinitiv, RS Ministry of Finance, Central Securities Depository and Clearing House

Interest rates on dinar government securities